Communications Blogs

Reflecting on Continuing the Conversation

Continuing the Conversation this semester has been really enlightening. At first I was a little skeptical about the idea of talking outside of class. I'm pretty shy and timid. I don't usually make friends, or even talk to people unless I have to. But because of this assignment I've had to put myself out there. I have actually gotten a lot out of it. I have made a lot more "friends" than I have ever made in another class. We talk about a lot of important things and issues in our class and there just is not enough time in our classes to talk about everything that needs to be discussed. So, this project has provided an avenue to voice my opinions and hear others' that couldn't be voiced in class, simply because of the time. It has made me think a lot more than I maybe would have it I wasn't asked to Continue the Conversation. Over all throughout the semester, I have come to appreciate and really see the importance of this.

Scriptures Parts 1 and 2 Tweets

@RyaJam I kind of felt like it was saying we need to be humble in our speech. We need to speak plainly and stop TRYING to sound smart.
4:10 PM Jan 10th via TweetDeck in reply to RyaJam
The scripture I chose is 1 Cor 15:33. It says "Evil communication corrupt good manners." What we say has so much effect on who we really are
McCracka87 I love Enos. I have such a testimony of the importance of communication with the Lord and what it can do for our lives.
2:22 PM Jan 10th via TweetDeck
@BeccaAlexander It's so true. It's amazing what we can learn from the scriptures beyond just the "story."
3:10 PM Jan 9th via web in reply to BeccaAlexander
I promise I'm trying to change my picture. My computer just won't let me!
3:05 PM Jan 9th via web
@SisEmbree It's definitely a comfort that even MOSES thought he wasn't a good speaker. There's hope for me yet. :)
3:02 PM Jan 9th via web in reply to SisEmbree
I love in Exodus 4 how it says that if we go to Him He will tell us what to say. He will help us if we are striving for good communication.

Big 5 Tweets

I'm not sure I really like the results of my personality test. I guess I just don't really see myself the way it explained me.

Strategic Language Tweets

Strategic Language: Notice the words beaten, terrified, innocent, help. It touched me for sure :(

What if Part 1 and 2 Tweets

A relationship with perfect love even though the person would die would still give hope of having that perfect love after this life #comm150

The idea of entering into a relationship that you know will end up completely breaking your spirits just does not seem okay to me. #comm150

I agree. Love is based on trust, so if you knew that tust would be betrayed, then that love could not be perfect. #comm150

Love Languages Tweets

I scored an 11 on three different love languages, an 8 on one and a 9 on one... Apparently I like everything :) #comm150

Relationships and Climates

All this talk about relationships has really got me thinking about how blessed I have been in my life. I had wonderful parents who never fought and just offered an open, happy, positive climate for our home and our relationships within our family. Not only have I been blessed in my familial relations but also in my romantic relationship at present. Erick Bakker wrote the RAM on the board today which basically says you should know someone more than you trust them, trust someone more than you rely on them, rely on them mroe than you commit to them and commit to them more than you touch them. I can honestly say that I know Tyler really, really well. I know him better than anyone else and he knows me more than anyone else. We know, not only our favorite things, but the important things as well, like how we feel about life in general and the things that are most important to us. I can see why knowing each other is so important. And I am so grateful for all of the wonderful climates I have in my life

Listening's a Blessing

Have you ever noticed how much listening enriches our lives. If we didn't listen we could not have things enter into our hearts. We could not have meaningful relationships if we did not listen to the others' disclosures. We could not gain a testimony if we did not hear the principles and doctrines that people teach. I can't imagine a life where no one ever listened to what I had to say and whated to hear it. I think that maybe if we all tried to listen a little more we could enrich our lives even more. I'm going to make an honest effort to try and listen more so I can get the most out of this life.

Studying Behavior

Watching nonverbal communication is something my mom and I have done for years. My mom is especially good at it. She knows the second someone is lying, or when someone develops a crush on someone, or if one partner in a couple is not so into the other. It is something we have always enjoyed. If we go out to dinner my mom will always gesture to a couple across from us and ask "What's their story? First date?" It is something that has always been really interesting to me. So learning about it in class has been really interesting!

Neal L Anderson's CES Address

I loved Elder Anderson's story about President Monson when he was a young bishop and took the time to go visit (communicate) with that priest. He took the time to go look for him and speak to him and tell him how much he wanted him to be at church. What an impact that made on him and his family! Just another example of how important communication can be in our lives.

Looks like it's coming to pass

Well, everything Sister Embree said would happen is happening. My roommates and I were sitting on our couch chatting and the discussion somehow ended up on how our words can really effect those around us. Negatively and positively. My roommate Bri said that sometimes what people say is not taken the way it is intended but it doesn't mean that what's said does not have an impact or an effect. It was a very enlightening conversation. We talked about how when some people communicate inappropriately we tend to choose to do the exact opposite of what they are wanting us to do. We need to be aware of people's needs and how we need to communicate with them so we can have clear, open, honest pathways.

Communication in the Scriptures

Wow, who knew how important communication was. It is talked about all throughout the Bible and the Book of Mormon as well as the Doctrine and Covenants. I am just amazed at how important it is to use communication for good because it is truly what defines us. If it is good then it can truly make a wonderful difference in lives. If it is bad then it can destroy them.

I know this is a stupid comparison. But my roommate turned on "Teen Mom." This is a really stupid, cheesy MTV reality show about teens who got pregnant and what it has done to their lives. On this show the girls are constantly yelling and screaming at their boyfriends and their parents. I just realized that a lot of the world is like that. They don't take the time to really try and open safe, honest communication with those around them and their lives are severely adversely effected.